Package 'mildsvm'

Title: Multiple-Instance Learning with Support Vector Machines
Description: Weakly supervised (WS), multiple instance (MI) data lives in numerous interesting applications such as drug discovery, object detection, and tumor prediction on whole slide images. The 'mildsvm' package provides an easy way to learn from this data by training Support Vector Machine (SVM)-based classifiers. It also contains helpful functions for building and printing multiple instance data frames. The core methods from 'mildsvm' come from the following references: Kent and Yu (2022) <arXiv:2206.14704>; Xiao, Liu, and Hao (2018) <doi:10.1109/TNNLS.2017.2766164>; Muandet et al. (2012) <>; Chu and Keerthi (2007) <doi:10.1162/neco.2007.19.3.792>; and Andrews et al. (2003) <>. Many functions use the 'Gurobi' optimization back-end to improve the optimization problem speed; the 'gurobi' R package and associated software can be downloaded from <> after obtaining a license.
Authors: Sean Kent [aut, cre] , Yifei Liou [aut]
Maintainer: Sean Kent <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-01-20 02:39:45 UTC

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Coerce to MI data frame


as_mi_df() turns an existing object, such as a data frame, into a MI data frame, a data frame with 'mi_df'. This is in contrast with mi_df(), which builds a MI data frame from individual columns.


  bag_label = "bag_label",
  bag_name = "bag_name",
  instance_label = "instance_label",



A data-frame or similar to convert.


A character (default 'bag_label') describing which column refers to the bag label.


A character (default 'bag_name') describing which column refers to the bag name.


A character (default 'instance_label') describing which column refers to the instance labels. If NULL, no instance_labels will be used.


Arguments reserved for other methods.


A 'mi_df' object. This data.frame-like has columns bag_label, bag_name, and potentially others. It also inherits from the 'tbl_df' and 'tbl' classes.


Sean Kent

See Also

mi_df() to build a mi_df object.


x = data.frame('bag_LABEL' = factor(c(1, 1, 0)),
               'bag_name' = c(rep('bag_1', 2), 'bag_2'),
               'X1' = c(-0.4, 0.5, 2),
               'instance_label' = c(0, 1, 0))

df <- as_mi_df(x)

Coerce to MILD data frame


as_mild_df() turns an existing object, such as a data frame, into a MILD data frame, a data frame with 'mild_df'. This is in contrast with mild_df(), which builds a MILD data frame from individual columns.


  bag_label = "bag_label",
  bag_name = "bag_name",
  instance_name = "instance_name",
  instance_label = "instance_label",



A data-frame or similar to convert.


A character (default 'bag_label') describing which column refers to the bag label.


A character (default 'bag_name') describing which column refers to the bag name.


A character (default 'instance_name') describing which column refers to the instance name.


A character (default 'instance_label') describing which column refers to the instance labels. If NULL, no instance_labels will be used.


Arguments reserved for other methods.


A 'mild_df' object. This data.frame-like has columns bag_label, bag_name, instance_name, and potentially others. It also inherits from the 'tbl_df' and 'tbl' classes.


Sean Kent

See Also

mild_df() to build a mild_df object.


x <- data.frame('bag_LABEL' = factor(c(1, 1, 0)),
               'bag_name' = c(rep('bag_1', 2), 'bag_2'),
               'instance_name' = c('bag_1_inst_1', 'bag_1_inst_2', 'bag_2_inst_1'),
               'X1' = c(-0.4, 0.5, 2),
               'instance_label' = c(0, 1, 0))

df <- as_mild_df(x)

Sample mild_df object by bags and instances


From a mild_df object, return a sample that evenly pulls from the unique bags and unique instances from each bag as much as possible. This is a form of stratified sampling to avoid randomly sampling many rows from a few bags.


bag_instance_sampling(data, size)



A mild_df object containing the data.


A non-negative integer giving the number of rows to choose from data.


A numeric vector of length size indicating which rows were sampled.


Sean Kent


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(positive_dist = "mvnormal",
                             nbag = 2,
                             ninst = 2,
                             nsample = 2)

rows <- bag_instance_sampling(mil_data, 6)

rows <- bag_instance_sampling(mil_data, 4)

Build a feature map on new data


Feature maps provide a set of covariates in a transformed space. The build_fm() function creates these covariates based on an object that specifies the feature map and a provided dataset.


build_fm(kfm_fit, new_data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'kfm_exact'
build_fm(kfm_fit, new_data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'kfm_nystrom'
build_fm(kfm_fit, new_data, ...)



An object from a function in the ⁠kfm_*⁠ family, such as kfm_nystrom().


The data to generate features from.


Additional arguments for methods.


A matrix of covariates in the feature space, with the same number of rows as new_data. If new_data is a mild_df object, build_fm() will also return the columns containing 'bag_label', 'bag_name', 'instance_name'.

Methods (by class)

  • kfm_exact: Method for kfm_exact class.

  • kfm_nystrom: Method for kfm_nystrom class.


Sean Kent

See Also


df <- data.frame(
  X1 = c(2,   3,   4,   5,   6, 7, 8),
  X2 = c(1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.1, 7, 1),
  X3 = rnorm(7)

fit <- kfm_nystrom(df, m = 7, r = 6, kernel = "radial", sigma = 0.05)
fm <- build_fm(fit, df)

fit <- kfm_exact(kernel = "polynomial", degree = 2, const = 1)
fm <- build_fm(fit, df)

Flatten mild_df data to the instance level


Flatten mild_df type of data to regular multiple instance data where each instance is a vector by extracting distribution sample quantiles, mean and sd.


  qtls = seq(0.05, 0.95, length.out = 10),
  mean = TRUE,
  sd = TRUE



A mild_df object.


Quantiles to be extracted from each instance empirical distribution.


A logical for whether or not to extract mean.


A logical for whether or not to extract standard deviation.


A summarized data.frame at the instance level.


Yifei Liu

See Also

summarize_samples() for a more general way to make a similar data frame.


mild_df1 <- generate_mild_df(positive_degree = 3, nbag = 3)
df1 <- build_instance_feature(mild_df1, seq(0.05, 0.95, length.out = 10))

Classify y from bags


Formally, this function applies max() on y for each level of bags.


classify_bags(y, bags, condense = TRUE)



A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


A vector specifying which instance belongs to each bag. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


A logical (default TRUE) for whether to return classification at the level of unique bags or not.


a named vector of length length(unique(b)) which gives the classification for each bag. Names come from bags.


Sean Kent


y <- c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
bags <- rep(1:3, each = 3)

classify_bags(y, bags)
classify_bags(y, bags, condense = FALSE)

# works with regular vector too
scores <- 1:9
classify_bags(scores, bags)

Fit MI-SVM model to the data using cross-validation


Cross-validation wrapper on the misvm() function to fit the MI-SVM model over a variety of specified cost parameters. The optimal cost parameter is chosen by the best AUC of the cross-fit models. See ?misvm for more details on the fitting function.


## Default S3 method:
  method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"),
  weights = TRUE,
  control = list(kernel = "linear", sigma = 1, nystrom_args = list(m = nrow(x), r =
    nrow(x), sampling = "random"), max_step = 500, type = "C-classification", scale =
    TRUE, verbose = FALSE, time_limit = 60, start = FALSE),

## S3 method for class 'formula'
cv_misvm(formula, data, cost_seq, n_fold, fold_id, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mi_df'
cv_misvm(x, ...)



A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each row represents a sample.


A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


A vector specifying which instance belongs to each bag. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


A sequence of cost arguments (default 2^(-2:2)) in misvm().


The number of folds (default 5). If this is specified, fold_id need not be specified.


The ids for the specific the fold for each instance. Care must be taken to ensure that ids respect the bag structure to avoid information leakage. If n_fold is specified, fold_id will be computed automatically.


The algorithm to use in fitting (default 'heuristic'). When method = 'heuristic', which employs an algorithm similar to Andrews et al. (2003). When method = 'mip', the novel MIP method will be used. When ⁠method = 'qp-heuristic⁠, the heuristic algorithm is computed using the dual SVM. See details.


named vector, or TRUE, to control the weight of the cost parameter for each possible y value. Weights multiply against the cost vector. If TRUE, weights are calculated based on inverse counts of instances with given label, where we only count one positive instance per bag. Otherwise, names must match the levels of y.


list of additional parameters passed to the method that control computation with the following components:

  • kernel either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.

  • sigma argument needed for radial basis kernel.

  • nystrom_args a list of parameters to pass to kfm_nystrom(). This is used when method = 'mip' and kernel = 'radial' to generate a Nystrom approximation of the kernel features.

  • max_step argument used when method = 'heuristic'. Maximum steps of iteration for the heuristic algorithm.

  • type: argument used when method = 'heuristic'. The type argument is passed to e1071::svm().

  • scale argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale the input before fitting.

  • verbose argument used when method = 'mip'. Whether to message output to the console.

  • time_limit argument used when method = 'mip'. FALSE, or a time limit (in seconds) passed to gurobi() parameters. If FALSE, no time limit is given.

  • start argument used when method = 'mip'. If TRUE, the mip program will be warm_started with the solution from method = 'qp-heuristic' to potentially improve speed.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


a formula with specification mi(y, bags) ~ x which uses the mi function to create the bag-instance structure. This argument is an alternative to the ⁠x, y, bags⁠ arguments, but requires the data argument. See examples.


If formula is provided, a data.frame or similar from which formula elements will be extracted.


An object of class cv_misvm. The object contains the following components:

  • misvm_fit: A fit object of class misvm trained on the full data with the cross-validated choice of cost parameter. See misvm() for details.

  • cost_seq: the input sequence of cost arguments

  • cost_aucs: estimated AUC for the models trained for each cost_seq parameter. These are the average of the fold models for that cost, excluding any folds that don't have both levels of y in the validation set.

  • best_cost: The optimal choice of cost parameter, chosen as that which has the maximum AUC. If there are ties, this will pick the smallest cost with maximum AUC.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Method for data.frame-like objects

  • formula: Method for passing formula

  • mi_df: Method for mi_df objects, automatically handling bag names, labels, and all covariates.


Sean Kent, Yifei Liu

See Also

misvm() for fitting without cross-validation.


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 20,
                             positive_prob = 0.15,
                             dist = rep("mvnormal", 3),
                             mean = list(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10)),
                             sd_of_mean = rep(0.1, 3))
df <- build_instance_feature(mil_data, seq(0.05, 0.95, length.out = 10))
cost_seq <- 2^seq(-5, 7, length.out = 3)

# Heuristic method
mdl1 <- cv_misvm(x = df[, 4:123], y = df$bag_label,
                 bags = df$bag_name, cost_seq = cost_seq,
                 n_fold = 3, method = "heuristic")
mdl2 <- cv_misvm(mi(bag_label, bag_name) ~ X1_mean + X2_mean + X3_mean, data = df,
                 cost_seq = cost_seq, n_fold = 3)

if (require(gurobi)) {
  # solve using the MIP method
  mdl3 <- cv_misvm(x = df[, 4:123], y = df$bag_label,
                   bags = df$bag_name, cost_seq = cost_seq,
                   n_fold = 3, method = "mip")

predict(mdl1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "bag")

# summarize predictions at the bag layer
df %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl2, df, type = "class")) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl2, df, type = "raw")) %>%
  distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)

Printing multiple instance data frames


Specialized print methods for the mi_df, mild_df classes. These return helpful information such as the number of rows, columns, bags, and instances (for mild_df objects).

These methods print the data frame based on the underlying subclass. This allows for additional arguments that can be passed to print.tbl() when the subclass is a tibble (tbl_df, tbl), documented below.


## S3 method for class 'mi_df'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mild_df'
print(x, ...)



Object to format or print.


Passed to other methods. See print.tbl() or details for more information.


The following extra arguments are available when x has subclass tbl:

  • n: Number of rows to show. If NULL, the default, will print all rows if less than the print_max option. Otherwise, will print as many rows as specified by the print_min option.

  • width: Width of text output to generate. This defaults to NULL, which means use the width option.

  • max_extra_cols: Number of extra columns to print abbreviated information for, if the width is too small for the entire tibble. If NULL, the max_extra_cols option is used. The previously defined n_extra argument is soft-deprecated.

  • max_footer_lines: Maximum number of footer lines. If NULL, the max_footer_lines option is used.


The object passed in x, invisibly. Primarily called to print the object to the console.


print(as_mi_df(ordmvnorm, instance_label = "inst_label"))

print(as_mi_df(ordmvnorm, instance_label = "inst_label"), n = 2)

Generate mild_df using multivariate t and normal distributions.


This function samples multiple instance distributional data (a mild_df object) where each row corresponds to a sample from a given instance distribution. Instance distributions can be multivariate t and normal, with mean and variance parameters that can be fixed or sampled based on prior parameters. These instances are grouped into bags and the bag labels follow the standard MI assumption.


  nbag = 50,
  ninst = 4,
  nsample = 50,
  ncov = 10,
  nimp_pos = 1:ncov,
  nimp_neg = 1:ncov,
  positive_prob = 0.2,
  dist = c("mvt", "mvnormal", "mvnormal"),
  mean = list(rep(0, length(nimp_pos)), rep(0, length(nimp_neg)), 0),
  sd_of_mean = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
  cov = list(diag(1, nrow = length(nimp_pos)), diag(1, nrow = length(nimp_neg)), 1),
  sample_cov = FALSE,
  df_wishart_cov = c(length(nimp_pos), length(nimp_neg), ncov - length(nimp_pos)),
  degree = c(3, NA, NA),
  positive_bag_prob = NULL,
  n_noise_inst = NULL,



The number of bags (default 50).


The number of instances for each bag (default 4).


The number of samples for each instance (default 50).


The number of total covariates (default 10).


An index of important covariates for positve instances (default 1:ncov).


An index of important covariates for negative instances (default 1:ncov). (default 1:ncov).


A numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the probability of an instance being positive (default 0.2).


A vector (length 3) of distributions for the positive, negative, and remaining instances, respectively. Distributions can be one of 'mvnormal' for multivariate normal or 'mvt' for multivariate student's t.


A list (length 3) of mean vectors for the positive, negative, and remaining distributions. mean[[1]] should match nimp_pos in length; mean[[2]] should match nimp_neg in length.


A vector (length 3) of standard deviations in sampling the mean for positive, negative, and remaining distributions, where the prior is given by mean. Use sd_of_mean = c(0, 0, 0) to keep the mean consistent across all instances.


A list (length 3) of covariance matrices for the positive, negative, and remaining distributions. cov[[3]] should be an integer since the dimension of remaining features can vary depending on if the important distribution is positive or negative.


A logical value for whether to sample the covariance for each distribution. If FALSE (the default), each covariance is fixed at cov. If TRUE, the prior is given by cov and sampled from a Wishart distribution with df_wishart_cov degrees of freedom to have an expectation of cov.


A vector (length 3) of degrees-of-freedom to use in the Wishart covariance matrix sampling.


A vector (length 3) of degrees-of-freedom used when any of dist is 'mvt'. This parameter is ignored when dist[i] == 'mvnormal', in which case NA can be specified.


A numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the probability of a bag being positive. Must be specified jointly with n_noise_inst, in which case positive_prob is ignored. If NULL (the default), instance labels are sampled first according to positive_prob.


An integer indicating the number of negative instances in a positive bag. Must be specified jointly with positive_bag_prob. n_noise_inst should be less than ninst.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


The first consideration to use this function is to determine the number of bags, instances per bag, and samples per instance using the nbag, ninst, and nsample arguments. Next, one must consider the number of covariates ncov, and how those covariates will differ between instances with positive and negative labels. Some covariates can be common between the positive and negative instances, which we call the remainder distribution. Use nimp_pos and nimp_neg to specify the index of the important (non-remainder) covariates in the distributions with positive and negative instance labels.

The structure of how many instances/bags are positive and negative is determined by positive_prob or the joint specification of positive_bag_prob and n_noise_inst. In the first case, instances labels have independent Bernoulli draws based on positive_prob and bag labels are determined by the standard MI assumption (i.e. positive if any instance in the bag is positive). In the second case, bag labels are drawn independently as Bernoilli with positive_bag_prob chance of success. Each positive bag will be given n_noise_inst values with instance label of 0, and the remaining with instance label of 1.

The remaining arguments are used to determine the distributions used for the positive, negative, and remaining features. Each argument will be a vector of list of length 3 corresponding to these 3 different groups. To create different distributions, the strategy is to first draw the mean parameter from Normal(mean, sd_of_mean * I) and the covariance parameter from Wishart(df_wishart_cov, cov), with expectation equal to cov. Then we can sample i.i.d. draws from the specified distribution (either multivariate normal or student's t). To ensure that each instance distribution has the same mean, set sd_of_mean to 0. To ensure that each instance distribution has the same covariance, set sample_cov = FALSE.

The final data.frame will have nsample * nbag * ninst rows and ncov + 3 columns including the bag_label, bag_name, instance_name, and ncov sampled covariates.


A mild_df object.


Yifei Liu, Sean Kent


mild_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 7, ninst = 3, nsample = 20,
                              ncov = 2,
                              nimp_pos = 1,
                              dist = rep("mvnormal", 3),
                              mean = list(
                                rep(5, 1),
                                rep(15, 2),

distinct(mild_data, bag_label, bag_name, instance_name)
split(mild_data[, 4:5], mild_data$instance_name) %>%
  sapply(colMeans) %>%
  round(2) %>%

Create an exact kernel feature map


For some kernels, it is possible to create the exact features from given data. This function stores the information needed to build those exact features.


kfm_exact(kernel = "polynomial", degree = 2, const = 1)



A character determining the kernel to use. Currently, only 'radial' is implemented.


A numeric value (default 2) that provides the degree for kernel = 'polynomial'


A numeric value (default 1) for the constant term when kernel = 'polynomial'.


Currently, the following kernels are supported:

  • 'polynomial', with degree = d and const = c


An object of class kfm_exact with the following components, returned from the inputs:

  • kernel

  • degree

  • const


Sean Kent

See Also

Other kernel feature map functions: kfm_nystrom()


df <- data.frame(
  X1 = c(2,   3,   4,   5,   6, 7, 8),
  X2 = c(1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.1, 7, 1),
  X3 = rnorm(7)

fit <- kfm_exact(kernel = "polynomial", degree = 2, const = 1)
fm <- build_fm(fit, df)

Fit a Nyström kernel feature map approximation


Use the Nyström method to fit a feature map that approximates a given kernel.


kfm_nystrom(df, m, r, kernel, sampling, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  m = nrow(df),
  r = m,
  kernel = "radial",
  sampling = "random",

## S3 method for class 'mild_df'
  m = nrow(df),
  r = m,
  kernel = "radial",
  sampling = "random",



An object containing covariates for training. Usually a data.frame or matrix.


The number of examples from df to sample in fitting.


The rank of matrix approximation to use. Must be less than or equal to m, the default.


A character determining the kernel to use. Currently, only 'radial' is implemented.


A character determining how to sample instances. Default is 'random'. For kfm_nystrom.mild_df(), one can specify sampling = 'stratified' to ensure that samples are chosen evenly from bags and instances. sampling can also be a numeric vector of length m of pre-determined samples.


additional parameters needed for the kernels. See details.


For the ... argument, the additional parameters depend on which kernel is used:

  • For kernel = 'radial', specify sigma to define kernel bandwidth.


an object of class kfm_nystrom with the following components:

  • df_sub the sub-sampled version of df

  • dv pre-multiplication matrix which contains information on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of df_sub

  • method 'nystrom'

  • kernel the input parameter kernel

  • kernel_params parameters passed to ...

Methods (by class)

  • default: For use on objects of class data.frame or matrix.

  • mild_df: Ignore the information columns 'bag_label', 'bag_name', and 'instance_name' when calculating kernel approximation.


Sean Kent


Williams, C., & Seeger, M. (2001). Using the Nyström Method to Speed Up Kernel Machines. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 13, 682–688.

Kent, S., & Yu, M. (2022). Non-convex SVM for cancer diagnosis based on morphologic features of tumor microenvironment arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.14704

See Also

Other kernel feature map functions: kfm_exact()


df <- data.frame(
  X1 = c(2,   3,   4,   5,   6, 7, 8),
  X2 = c(1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.1, 7, 1),
  X3 = rnorm(7)

fit <- kfm_nystrom(df, m = 7, r = 6, kernel = "radial", sigma = 0.05)
fm <- build_fm(fit, df)

Calculate the kernel mean embedding matrix


Function to calculate the kernel mean embedding for to distributional data sets. It uses the empirical approximation for the integral

XYK(x,y)dPXdQY\int_{\mathcal X} \int_{\mathcal Y} K(x, y) d P_X d Q_Y

for a given kernel K(,)K(\cdot, \cdot). Currently only supports radial basis function kernel for fast computation.


## Default S3 method:
kme(df, df2 = NULL, sigma = 0.05, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mild_df'
kme(df, df2 = NULL, sigma = 0.05, ...)



A data.frame of mild_df object, must have column 'instance_name' which defines the instances.


A data.frame, mild_df object, or NULL (default NULL).


The parameter for 'radial' kernel (default 0.05).


Additional arguments passed to methods.


If df2 = NULL, calculate the kernel mean embedding matrix of (df, df) otherwise calculate (df, df2)


A matrix of kernel mean embedding at the instance level.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Default S3 method

  • mild_df: S3 method for class mild_df


Yifei Liu, Sean Kent


x = data.frame('instance_name' = c('inst_1', 'inst_2', 'inst_1'),
               'X1' = c(-0.4, 0.5, 2))

mild_df1 <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 10, positive_degree = 3)

Create an mi object


Create an mi object, usually used as a response variable in a model formula.


mi(bag_label, bag_name)



The bag label or response, recorded as 0 = negative, 1 = positive.


A unique bag identifier for each instance.


An object of class mi. Currently, no methods are implemented for this.


Sean Kent

See Also

Other multiple instance formula helper functions: mild()


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(positive_degree = 3, nbag = 10)
with(mil_data, head(mi(bag_label, bag_name)))
df <- get_all_vars(mi(bag_label, bag_name) ~ X1 + X2, data = mil_data)

Build a multiple instance (MI) data frame


mi_df() constructs a data frame that corresponds to Multiple Instance (MI) data. A mi_df object must have two special columns:

  • bag_label, determines the label of each bag, typically from c(0, 1)

  • bag_name, character or factor that specifies the bag that each sample belongs to.


  bag_label = character(),
  bag_name = character(),
  instance_label = NULL



A character, factor, or numeric vector.


A character or factor vector.


A set of name-value pairs. These construct the covariates for a mi_df.


A character, factor, or numeric vector, or NULL.


We refer to the rows of a mi_df as instances. Each instance is contained in a bag, with a corresponding label. Bags will typically have several instances within them. Instance labels can be provided, but they will be pulled in as an attribute.


A 'mi_df' object. This data.frame-like has columns bag_label, bag_name, and those specified in .... It also inherits from the 'tbl_df' and 'tbl' classes.


Sean Kent

See Also


mi_df('bag_label' = factor(c(1, 1, 0)),
      'bag_name' = c(rep('bag_1', 2), 'bag_2'),
      'X1' = c(-0.4, 0.5, 2),
      'instance_label' = c(0, 1, 0))

Create a mild object


Create a mild object, usually used as a response variable in a model formula.


mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name)



The bag label or response, recorded as 0 = negative, 1 = positive.


A unique bag identifier for each instance.


A unique instance identifier for each sample.


An object of class mild. Currently, no methods are implemented for this.


Sean Kent

See Also

Other multiple instance formula helper functions: mi()


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(positive_degree = 3, nbag = 10)
with(mil_data, head(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name)))
df <- get_all_vars(mild(bag_label, bag_name) ~ X1 + X2, data = mil_data)

Build a MILD data frame


mild_df() constructs a data frame that corresponds to Multiple Instance Learning with Distributional Instances (MILD) data. A mild_df object must have three special columns:

  • bag_label, determines the label of each bag, typically from c(0, 1)

  • bag_name, character or factor that specifies the bag that each sample belongs to.

  • instance_name, character or factor that specifies the instance that each sample belongs to.


  bag_label = character(),
  bag_name = character(),
  instance_name = character(),
  instance_label = NULL



A character, factor, or numeric vector.


A character or factor vector.


A character or factor vector.


A set of name-value pairs. These construct the covariates for a mild_df.


A character, factor, or numeric vector, or NULL.


We refer to the rows of a mild_df as samples, since they are thought of as draws from the distribution that determines each instance. Each instance is contained in a bag, with a corresponding label. Instance labels can be provided, but they will be pulled in as an attribute.


A 'mild_df' object. This data.frame-like has columns bag_label, bag_name, instance_name, and those specified in .... It also inherits from the 'tbl_df' and 'tbl' classes.


Yifei Liu, Sean Kent

See Also


mild_df('bag_label' = factor(c(1, 1, 0)),
        'bag_name' = c(rep('bag_1', 2), 'bag_2'),
        'instance_name' = c('bag_1_inst_1', 'bag_1_inst_2', 'bag_2_inst_1'),
        'X1' = c(-0.4, 0.5, 2),
        'instance_label' = c(0, 1, 0))

Fit MIOR model to the data


This function fits the MIOR model, proposed by Xiao Y, Liu B, and Hao Z (2018) in "Multiple-instance Ordinal Regression". MIOR is a modified SVM framework with parallel, ordered hyperplanes where the error terms are based only on the instance closest to a midpoint between hyperplanes.


## Default S3 method:
  cost = 1,
  cost_eta = 1,
  method = "qp-heuristic",
  weights = NULL,
  control = list(kernel = "linear", sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1/ncol(x),
    max_step = 500, scale = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, time_limit = 60, option =
    c("corrected", "xiao")),

## S3 method for class 'formula'
mior(formula, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mi_df'
mior(x, ...)



A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each row represents an instance. If a mi_df object is passed, ⁠y, bags⁠ are automatically extracted, and all other columns will be used as predictors.


A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


A vector specifying which instance belongs to each bag. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


The cost parameter in SVM. If method = 'heuristic', this will be fed to kernlab::ksvm(), otherwise it is similarly in internal functions.


The additional cost parameter in MIOR which controls how far away the first and last separating hyperplanes are relative to other costs.


The algorithm to use in fitting (default 'heuristic'). When method = 'heuristic', which employs an algorithm similar to Andrews et al. (2003). When method = 'mip', the novel MIP method will be used. When ⁠method = 'qp-heuristic⁠, the heuristic algorithm is computed using the dual SVM. See details.


named vector, or TRUE, to control the weight of the cost parameter for each possible y value. Weights multiply against the cost vector. If TRUE, weights are calculated based on inverse counts of instances with given label, where we only count one positive instance per bag. Otherwise, names must match the levels of y.


list of additional parameters passed to the method that control computation with the following components:

  • kernel either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.

  • sigma argument needed for radial basis kernel.

  • max_step argument used when method = 'heuristic'. Maximum steps of iteration for the heuristic algorithm.

  • scale argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale the input before fitting.

  • verbose argument used when method = 'mip'. Whether to message output to the console.

  • time_limit argument used when method = 'mip'. FALSE, or a time limit (in seconds) passed to gurobi() parameters. If FALSE, no time limit is given.

  • option argument the controls the constraint calculation. See details.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


a formula with specification mi(y, bags) ~ x which uses the mi function to create the bag-instance structure. This argument is an alternative to the ⁠x, y, bags⁠ arguments, but requires the data argument. See examples.


If formula is provided, a data.frame or similar from which formula elements will be extracted


Predictions (see predict.mior()) are determined by considering the smallest distance from each point to the midpoint hyperplanes across all instances in the bag. The prediction corresponds to the hyperplane having such a minimal distance.

It appears as though an error in Equation (12) persists to the dual form in (21). A corrected version of this dual formulation can be used with control$option = 'corrected', or the formulation as written can be used with control$option = 'xiao'.


An object of class mior The object contains at least the following components:

  • gurobi_fit: A fit from model optimization that includes relevant components.

  • call_type: A character indicating which method misvm() was called with.

  • features: The names of features used in training.

  • levels: The levels of y that are recorded for future prediction.

  • cost: The cost parameter from function inputs.

  • weights: The calculated weights on the cost parameter.

  • repr_inst: The instances from positive bags that are selected to be most representative of the positive instances.

  • n_step: If method %in% c('heuristic', 'qp-heuristic'), the total steps used in the heuristic algorithm.

  • x_scale: If scale = TRUE, the scaling parameters for new predictions.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Method for data.frame-like objects

  • formula: Method for passing formula

  • mi_df: Method for mi_df objects, automatically handling bag names, labels, and all covariates.


Sean Kent


Xiao, Y., Liu, B., & Hao, Z. (2017). Multiple-instance ordinal regression. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29(9), 4398-4413. doi:10.1109/TNNLS.2017.2766164

See Also

predict.misvm() for prediction on new data.


if (require(gurobi)) {
  # make some data
  n <- 15
  X <- rbind(
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(4, -2, 0)),
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(0, 0, 0)),
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(-2, 1, 0))
  score <- X %*% c(2, -1, 0)
  y <- as.numeric(cut(score, c(-Inf, quantile(score, probs = 1:2 / 3), Inf)))
  bags <- 1:length(y)

  # add in points outside boundaries
  X <- rbind(
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = c(6, -3, 0)),
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = c(-6, 3, 0))
  y <- c(y, rep(-1, 2*n))
  bags <- rep(bags, 3)
  repr <- c(rep(1, n), rep(0, 2*n))

  y_bag <- classify_bags(y, bags, condense = FALSE)

  mdl1 <- mior(X, y_bag, bags)
  predict(mdl1, X, new_bags = bags)

Fit MILD-SVM model to the data


This function fits the MILD-SVM model, which takes a multiple-instance learning with distributions (MILD) data set and fits a modified SVM to it. The MILD-SVM methodology is based on research in progress.


## Default S3 method:
  cost = 1,
  method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"),
  weights = TRUE,
  control = list(kernel = "radial", sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1/ncol(x),
    nystrom_args = list(m = nrow(x), r = nrow(x), sampling = "random"), max_step = 500,
    scale = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, time_limit = 60, start = FALSE),

## S3 method for class 'formula'
mismm(formula, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mild_df'
mismm(x, ...)



A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each row represents a sample. If a mild_df object is passed, ⁠y, bags, instances⁠ are automatically extracted, and all other columns will be used as predictors.


A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


A vector specifying which instance belongs to each bag. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


A vector specifying which samples belong to each instance. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


The cost parameter in SVM. If method = 'heuristic', this will be fed to kernlab::ksvm(), otherwise it is similarly in internal functions.


The algorithm to use in fitting (default 'heuristic'). When method = 'heuristic', the algorithm iterates between selecting positive witnesses and solving an underlying smm() problem. When method = 'mip', the novel MIP method will be used. When method = 'qp-heuristic', the heuristic algorithm is computed using a slightly modified dual SMM. See details


named vector, or TRUE, to control the weight of the cost parameter for each possible y value. Weights multiply against the cost vector. If TRUE, weights are calculated based on inverse counts of instances with given label, where we only count one positive instance per bag. Otherwise, names must match the levels of y.


list of additional parameters passed to the method that control computation with the following components:

  • kernel either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.

  • sigma argument needed for radial basis kernel.

  • nystrom_args a list of parameters to pass to kfm_nystrom(). This is used when method = 'mip' and kernel = 'radial' to generate a Nystrom approximation of the kernel features.

  • max_step argument used when method = 'heuristic'. Maximum steps of iteration for the heuristic algorithm.

  • scale argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale the input before fitting.

  • verbose argument used when method = 'mip'. Whether to message output to the console.

  • time_limit argument used when method = 'mip'. FALSE, or a time limit (in seconds) passed to gurobi() parameters. If FALSE, no time limit is given.

  • start argument used when method = 'mip'. If TRUE, the mip program will be warm_started with the solution from method = 'qp-heuristic' to potentially improve speed.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A formula with specification mild(y, bags, instances) ~ x which uses the mild function to create the bag-instance structure. This argument is an alternative to the ⁠x, y, bags, instances ⁠ arguments, but requires the data argument. See examples.


If formula is provided, a data.frame or similar from which formula elements will be extracted.


Several choices of fitting algorithm are available, including a version of the heuristic algorithm proposed by Andrews et al. (2003) and a novel algorithm that explicitly solves the mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem using the gurobi package optimization back-end.


An object of class mismm The object contains at least the following components:

  • ⁠*_fit⁠: A fit object depending on the method parameter. If method = 'heuristic', this will be a ksvm fit from the kernlab package. If method = 'mip' this will be gurobi_fit from a model optimization.

  • call_type: A character indicating which method misvm() was called with.

  • x: The training data needed for computing the kernel matrix in prediction.

  • features: The names of features used in training.

  • levels: The levels of y that are recorded for future prediction.

  • cost: The cost parameter from function inputs.

  • weights: The calculated weights on the cost parameter.

  • sigma: The radial basis function kernel parameter.

  • repr_inst: The instances from positive bags that are selected to be most representative of the positive instances.

  • n_step: If method %in% c('heuristic', 'qp-heuristic'), the total steps used in the heuristic algorithm.

  • useful_inst_idx: The instances that were selected to represent the bags in the heuristic fitting.

  • inst_order: A character vector that is used to modify the ordering of input data.

  • x_scale: If scale = TRUE, the scaling parameters for new predictions.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Method for data.frame-like objects

  • formula: Method for passing formula

  • mild_df: Method for mild_df objects


Sean Kent, Yifei Liu


Kent, S., & Yu, M. (2022). Non-convex SVM for cancer diagnosis based on morphologic features of tumor microenvironment arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.14704

See Also

predict.mismm() for prediction on new data.


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 15, nsample = 20, positive_prob = 0.15,
                             sd_of_mean = rep(0.1, 3))

# Heuristic method
mdl1 <- mismm(mil_data)
mdl2 <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = mil_data)

# MIP method
if (require(gurobi)) {
  mdl3 <- mismm(mil_data, method = "mip", control = list(nystrom_args = list(m = 10, r = 10)))
  predict(mdl3, mil_data)

predict(mdl1, new_data = mil_data, type = "raw", layer = "bag")

# summarize predictions at the bag layer
mil_data %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl2, mil_data, type = "class")) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl2, mil_data, type = "raw")) %>%
  distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)

Fit MI-SVM model to the data


This function fits the MI-SVM model, first proposed by Andrews et al. (2003). It is a variation on the traditional SVM framework that carefully treats data from the multiple instance learning paradigm, where instances are grouped into bags, and a label is only available for each bag.


## Default S3 method:
  cost = 1,
  method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"),
  weights = TRUE,
  control = list(kernel = "linear", sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1/ncol(x),
    nystrom_args = list(m = nrow(x), r = nrow(x), sampling = "random"), max_step = 500,
    type = "C-classification", scale = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, time_limit = 60, start =

## S3 method for class 'formula'
misvm(formula, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mi_df'
misvm(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mild_df'
misvm(x, .fns = list(mean = mean, sd = stats::sd), cor = FALSE, ...)



A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each row represents an instance. If a mi_df object is passed, ⁠y, bags⁠ are automatically extracted, and all other columns will be used as predictors. If a mild_df object is passed, ⁠y, bags, instances⁠ are automatically extracted, and all other columns will be used as predictors.


A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


A vector specifying which instance belongs to each bag. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


The cost parameter in SVM. If method = 'heuristic', this will be fed to kernlab::ksvm(), otherwise it is similarly in internal functions.


The algorithm to use in fitting (default 'heuristic'). When method = 'heuristic', which employs an algorithm similar to Andrews et al. (2003). When method = 'mip', the novel MIP method will be used. When ⁠method = 'qp-heuristic⁠, the heuristic algorithm is computed using the dual SVM. See details.


named vector, or TRUE, to control the weight of the cost parameter for each possible y value. Weights multiply against the cost vector. If TRUE, weights are calculated based on inverse counts of instances with given label, where we only count one positive instance per bag. Otherwise, names must match the levels of y.


list of additional parameters passed to the method that control computation with the following components:

  • kernel either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.

  • sigma argument needed for radial basis kernel.

  • nystrom_args a list of parameters to pass to kfm_nystrom(). This is used when method = 'mip' and kernel = 'radial' to generate a Nystrom approximation of the kernel features.

  • max_step argument used when method = 'heuristic'. Maximum steps of iteration for the heuristic algorithm.

  • type: argument used when method = 'heuristic'. The type argument is passed to e1071::svm().

  • scale argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale the input before fitting.

  • verbose argument used when method = 'mip'. Whether to message output to the console.

  • time_limit argument used when method = 'mip'. FALSE, or a time limit (in seconds) passed to gurobi() parameters. If FALSE, no time limit is given.

  • start argument used when method = 'mip'. If TRUE, the mip program will be warm_started with the solution from method = 'qp-heuristic' to potentially improve speed.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


a formula with specification mi(y, bags) ~ x which uses the mi function to create the bag-instance structure. This argument is an alternative to the ⁠x, y, bags⁠ arguments, but requires the data argument. See examples.


If formula is provided, a data.frame or similar from which formula elements will be extracted.


(argument for misvm.mild_df() method) list of functions to summarize instances over.


(argument for misvm.mild_df() method) logical, whether to include correlations between all features in the summarization.


Several choices of fitting algorithm are available, including a version of the heuristic algorithm proposed by Andrews et al. (2003) and a novel algorithm that explicitly solves the mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem using the gurobi package optimization back-end.


An object of class misvm. The object contains at least the following components:

  • ⁠*_fit⁠: A fit object depending on the method parameter. If method = 'heuristic', this will be an svm fit from the e1071 package. If ⁠method = 'mip', 'qp-heuristic'⁠ this will be gurobi_fit from a model optimization.

  • call_type: A character indicating which method misvm() was called with.

  • features: The names of features used in training.

  • levels: The levels of y that are recorded for future prediction.

  • cost: The cost parameter from function inputs.

  • weights: The calculated weights on the cost parameter.

  • repr_inst: The instances from positive bags that are selected to be most representative of the positive instances.

  • n_step: If method %in% c('heuristic', 'qp-heuristic'), the total steps used in the heuristic algorithm.

  • x_scale: If scale = TRUE, the scaling parameters for new predictions.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Method for data.frame-like objects

  • formula: Method for passing formula

  • mi_df: Method for mi_df objects, automatically handling bag names, labels, and all covariates.

  • mild_df: Method for mild_df objects. Summarize samples to the instance level based on specified functions, then perform misvm() on instance level data.


Sean Kent, Yifei Liu


Andrews, S., Tsochantaridis, I., & Hofmann, T. (2002). Support vector machines for multiple-instance learning. Advances in neural information processing systems, 15.

Kent, S., & Yu, M. (2022). Non-convex SVM for cancer diagnosis based on morphologic features of tumor microenvironment arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.14704

See Also


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 20,
                             positive_prob = 0.15,
                             sd_of_mean = rep(0.1, 3))
df <- build_instance_feature(mil_data, seq(0.05, 0.95, length.out = 10))

# Heuristic method
mdl1 <- misvm(x = df[, 4:123], y = df$bag_label,
              bags = df$bag_name, method = "heuristic")
mdl2 <- misvm(mi(bag_label, bag_name) ~ X1_mean + X2_mean + X3_mean, data = df)

# MIP method
if (require(gurobi)) {
  mdl3 <- misvm(x = df[, 4:123], y = df$bag_label,
                bags = df$bag_name, method = "mip")

predict(mdl1, new_data = df, type = "raw", layer = "bag")

# summarize predictions at the bag layer
df %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl2, df, type = "class")) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl2, df, type = "raw")) %>%
  distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)

Fit MI-SVM model to ordinal outcome data using One-vs-All


This function uses the one-vs-all multiclass classification strategy to fit a series of MI-SVM models for predictions on ordinal outcome data. For an ordinal outcome with K levels, we fit K MI-SVM models to predict an individual level vs not.


## Default S3 method:
  cost = 1,
  method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"),
  weights = TRUE,
  control = list(kernel = "linear", sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1/ncol(x),
    nystrom_args = list(m = nrow(x), r = nrow(x), sampling = "random"), max_step = 500,
    type = "C-classification", scale = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, time_limit = 60, start =

## S3 method for class 'formula'
misvm_orova(formula, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mi_df'
misvm_orova(x, ...)



A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each row represents an instance. If a mi_df object is passed, ⁠y, bags⁠ are automatically extracted, and all other columns will be used as predictors.


A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


A vector specifying which instance belongs to each bag. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


The cost parameter in SVM. If method = 'heuristic', this will be fed to kernlab::ksvm(), otherwise it is similarly in internal functions.


The algorithm to use in fitting (default 'heuristic'). When method = 'heuristic', which employs an algorithm similar to Andrews et al. (2003). When method = 'mip', the novel MIP method will be used. When ⁠method = 'qp-heuristic⁠, the heuristic algorithm is computed using the dual SVM. See details.


named vector, or TRUE, to control the weight of the cost parameter for each possible y value. Weights multiply against the cost vector. If TRUE, weights are calculated based on inverse counts of instances with given label, where we only count one positive instance per bag. Otherwise, names must match the levels of y.


list of additional parameters passed to the method that control computation with the following components:

  • kernel either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.

  • sigma argument needed for radial basis kernel.

  • nystrom_args a list of parameters to pass to kfm_nystrom(). This is used when method = 'mip' and kernel = 'radial' to generate a Nystrom approximation of the kernel features.

  • max_step argument used when method = 'heuristic'. Maximum steps of iteration for the heuristic algorithm.

  • type: argument used when method = 'heuristic'. The type argument is passed to e1071::svm().

  • scale argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale the input before fitting.

  • verbose argument used when method = 'mip'. Whether to message output to the console.

  • time_limit argument used when method = 'mip'. FALSE, or a time limit (in seconds) passed to gurobi() parameters. If FALSE, no time limit is given.

  • start argument used when method = 'mip'. If TRUE, the mip program will be warm_started with the solution from method = 'qp-heuristic' to potentially improve speed.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


a formula with specification mi(y, bags) ~ x which uses the mi function to create the bag-instance structure. This argument is an alternative to the ⁠x, y, bags⁠ arguments, but requires the data argument. See examples.


If formula is provided, a data.frame or similar from which formula elements will be extracted


An object of class misvm_orova The object contains at least the following components:

  • fits: a list of misvm objects with length equal to the number of classes in y. See misvm() for details on the misvm object.

  • call_type: A character indicating which method misvm_orova() was called with.

  • features: The names of features used in training.

  • levels: The levels of y that are recorded for future prediction.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Method for data.frame-like objects

  • formula: Method for passing formula

  • mi_df: Method for mi_df objects, automatically handling bag names, labels, and all covariates.


Sean Kent


Andrews, S., Tsochantaridis, I., & Hofmann, T. (2002). Support vector machines for multiple-instance learning. Advances in neural information processing systems, 15.

See Also

predict.misvm_orova() for prediction on new data.


x <- ordmvnorm[, 3:7]
y <- ordmvnorm$bag_label
bags <- ordmvnorm$bag_name

mdl1 <- misvm_orova(x, y, bags)
predict(mdl1, x, new_bags = bags)

Fit MI-SVM-OR model to ordinal outcome data


This function fits a modification of MI-SVM to ordinal outcome data based on the research method proposed by Kent and Yu.


## Default S3 method:
  cost = 1,
  h = 1,
  s = Inf,
  method = c("qp-heuristic"),
  weights = TRUE,
  control = list(kernel = "linear", sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1/ncol(x),
    max_step = 500, type = "C-classification", scale = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, time_limit
    = 60),

## S3 method for class 'formula'
omisvm(formula, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mi_df'
omisvm(x, ...)



A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each row represents an instance. If a mi_df object is passed, ⁠y, bags⁠ are automatically extracted, and all other columns will be used as predictors.


A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


A vector specifying which instance belongs to each bag. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


The cost parameter in SVM. If method = 'heuristic', this will be fed to kernlab::ksvm(), otherwise it is similarly in internal functions.


A scalar that controls the trade-off between maximizing the margin and minimizing distance between hyperplanes.


An integer for how many replication points to add to the dataset. If k represents the number of labels in y, must have ⁠1 <= s <= k-1⁠. The default, Inf, uses the maximum number of replication points, k-1.


The algorithm to use in fitting (default 'heuristic'). When method = 'heuristic', which employs an algorithm similar to Andrews et al. (2003). When method = 'mip', the novel MIP method will be used. When ⁠method = 'qp-heuristic⁠, the heuristic algorithm is computed using the dual SVM. See details.


named vector, or TRUE, to control the weight of the cost parameter for each possible y value. Weights multiply against the cost vector. If TRUE, weights are calculated based on inverse counts of instances with given label, where we only count one positive instance per bag. Otherwise, names must match the levels of y.


list of additional parameters passed to the method that control computation with the following components:

  • kernel either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.

  • sigma argument needed for radial basis kernel.

  • nystrom_args a list of parameters to pass to kfm_nystrom(). This is used when method = 'mip' and kernel = 'radial' to generate a Nystrom approximation of the kernel features.

  • max_step argument used when method = 'heuristic'. Maximum steps of iteration for the heuristic algorithm.

  • type: argument used when method = 'heuristic'. The type argument is passed to e1071::svm().

  • scale argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale the input before fitting.

  • verbose argument used when method = 'mip'. Whether to message output to the console.

  • time_limit argument used when method = 'mip'. FALSE, or a time limit (in seconds) passed to gurobi() parameters. If FALSE, no time limit is given.

  • start argument used when method = 'mip'. If TRUE, the mip program will be warm_started with the solution from method = 'qp-heuristic' to potentially improve speed.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


a formula with specification mi(y, bags) ~ x which uses the mi function to create the bag-instance structure. This argument is an alternative to the ⁠x, y, bags⁠ arguments, but requires the data argument. See examples.


If formula is provided, a data.frame or similar from which formula elements will be extracted


Currently, the only method available is a heuristic algorithm in linear SVM space. Additional methods should be available shortly.


An object of class omisvm. The object contains at least the following components:

  • ⁠*_fit⁠: A fit object depending on the method parameter. If method = 'qp-heuristic' this will be gurobi_fit from a model optimization.

  • call_type: A character indicating which method omisvm() was called with.

  • features: The names of features used in training.

  • levels: The levels of y that are recorded for future prediction.

  • cost: The cost parameter from function inputs.

  • weights: The calculated weights on the cost parameter.

  • repr_inst: The instances from positive bags that are selected to be most representative of the positive instances.

  • n_step: If method == 'qp-heuristic', the total steps used in the heuristic algorithm.

  • x_scale: If scale = TRUE, the scaling parameters for new predictions.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Method for data.frame-like objects

  • formula: Method for passing formula

  • mi_df: Method for mi_df objects, automatically handling bag names, labels, and all covariates.


Sean Kent

See Also

predict.omisvm() for prediction on new data.


if (require(gurobi)) {
  x <- ordmvnorm[, 3:7]
  y <- ordmvnorm$bag_label
  bags <- ordmvnorm$bag_name

  mdl1 <- omisvm(x, y, bags, weights = NULL)
  predict(mdl1, x, new_bags = bags)

Sample ordinal MIL data using mvnorm


A data set that demonstrates the ordinal multiple-instance learning structure with feature columns randomly sampled from a multivariate normal distribution.




An MI data frame with 1000 rows 8 variables, and 5 bags. Instance labels can be accessed via attr(ordmvnorm, "instance_label").


outcome label at the bag level. This is the maximum of the inst_label for each bag


indicator of each bag


Variable with mean equal to 2 * inst_label


Variable with mean equal to -1 * inst_label


Variable with mean equal to 1 * inst_label


Variable with mean 0, essentially noise


Variable with mean 0, essentially noise

Predict method for cv_misvm object


Predict method for cv_misvm object


## S3 method for class 'cv_misvm'
  type = c("class", "raw"),
  layer = c("bag", "instance"),
  new_bags = "bag_name",



An object of class cv_misvm.


A data frame to predict from. This needs to have all of the features that the data was originally fitted with.


If 'class', return predicted values with threshold of 0 as -1 or +1. If 'raw', return the raw predicted scores.


If 'bag', return predictions at the bag level. If 'instance', return predictions at the instance level.


A character or character vector. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the bag names in new_data (default 'bag_name'). Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has bag name for each row.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A tibble with nrow(new_data) rows. If type = 'class', the tibble will have a column '.pred_class'. If type = 'raw', the tibble will have a column '.pred'.


Sean Kent


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(
  nbag = 10,
  nsample = 20,
  positive_degree = 3
df1 <- build_instance_feature(mil_data, seq(0.05, 0.95, length.out = 10))
mdl1 <- cv_misvm(x = df1[, 4:123], y = df1$bag_label,
                 bags = df1$bag_name, cost_seq = 2^(-2:2),
                 n_fold = 3, method = "heuristic")

predict(mdl1, new_data = df1, type = "raw", layer = "bag")

# summarize predictions at the bag layer
df1 %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, type = "class")) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, type = "raw")) %>%
  distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)

Predict method for mior object


Predict method for mior object


## S3 method for class 'mior'
  type = c("class", "raw"),
  layer = c("bag", "instance"),
  new_bags = "bag_name",



An object of class mior


A data frame to predict from. This needs to have all of the features that the data was originally fitted with.


If 'class', return predicted values with threshold of 0 as -1 or +1. If 'raw', return the raw predicted scores.


If 'bag', return predictions at the bag level. If 'instance', return predictions at the instance level.


A character or character vector. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the bag names in new_data (default 'bag_name'). Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has bag name for each row.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


When the object was fitted using the formula method, then the parameters new_bags and new_instances are not necessary, as long as the names match the original function call.


A tibble with nrow(new_data) rows. If type = 'class', the tibble will have a column .pred_class. If type = 'raw', the tibble will have a column .pred.


Sean Kent

See Also

mior() for fitting the mior object.


if (require(gurobi)) {
  # make some data
  n <- 15
  X <- rbind(
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(4, -2, 0)),
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(0, 0, 0)),
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(-2, 1, 0))
  score <- X %*% c(2, -1, 0)
  y <- as.numeric(cut(score, c(-Inf, quantile(score, probs = 1:2 / 3), Inf)))
  bags <- 1:length(y)

  # add in points outside boundaries
  X <- rbind(
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = c(6, -3, 0)),
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = c(-6, 3, 0))
  y <- c(y, rep(-1, 2*n))
  bags <- rep(bags, 3)
  repr <- c(rep(1, n), rep(0, 2*n))

  y_bag <- classify_bags(y, bags, condense = FALSE)

  mdl1 <- mior(X, y_bag, bags)
  # summarize predictions at the bag layer
  df1 <- bind_cols(y = y_bag, bags = bags,
  df1 %>%
    bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, new_bags = bags, type = "class")) %>%
    bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, new_bags = bags, type = "raw")) %>%
    distinct(y, bags, .pred_class, .pred)

Predict method for mismm object


Predict method for mismm object


## S3 method for class 'mismm'
  type = c("class", "raw"),
  layer = c("bag", "instance"),
  new_bags = "bag_name",
  new_instances = "instance_name",
  kernel = NULL,



An object of class mismm.


A data frame to predict from. This needs to have all of the features that the data was originally fitted with.


If 'class', return predicted values with threshold of 0 as -1 or +1. If 'raw', return the raw predicted scores.


If 'bag', return predictions at the bag level. If 'instance', return predictions at the instance level.


A character or character vector. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the bag names in new_data (default 'bag_name'). Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has bag name for each row.


A character or character vector. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the instance names in new_data (default 'instance_name'). Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has instance name for each row.


An optional pre-computed kernel matrix at the instance level or NULL (default NULL). The rows should correspond to instances in the new data to predict, and columns should correspond to instances in the original training data, such as a call to kme().


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


When the object was fitted using the formula method, then the parameters new_bags and new_instances are not necessary, as long as the names match the original function call.


A tibble with nrow(new_data) rows. If type = 'class', the tibble will have a column .pred_class. If type = 'raw', the tibble will have a column .pred.


Sean Kent

See Also

mismm() for fitting the mismm object.


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 15, nsample = 20, positive_prob = 0.15,
                             sd_of_mean = rep(0.1, 3))

mdl1 <- mismm(mil_data, control = list(sigma = 1/5))

# bag level predictions
mil_data %>%
    bind_cols(predict(mdl1, mil_data, type = "class")) %>%
    bind_cols(predict(mdl1, mil_data, type = "raw")) %>%
    distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)

# instance level prediction
mil_data %>%
    bind_cols(predict(mdl1, mil_data, type = "class", layer = "instance")) %>%
    bind_cols(predict(mdl1, mil_data, type = "raw", layer = "instance")) %>%
    distinct(bag_name, instance_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)

Predict method for misvm object


Predict method for misvm object


## S3 method for class 'misvm'
  type = c("class", "raw"),
  layer = c("bag", "instance"),
  new_bags = "bag_name",



An object of class misvm.


A data frame to predict from. This needs to have all of the features that the data was originally fitted with.


If 'class', return predicted values with threshold of 0 as -1 or +1. If 'raw', return the raw predicted scores.


If 'bag', return predictions at the bag level. If 'instance', return predictions at the instance level.


A character or character vector. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the bag names in new_data (default 'bag_name'). Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has bag name for each row.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


When the object was fitted using the formula method, then the parameters new_bags and new_instances are not necessary, as long as the names match the original function call.


A tibble with nrow(new_data) rows. If type = 'class', the tibble will have a column .pred_class. If type = 'raw', the tibble will have a column .pred.


Sean Kent

See Also

  • misvm() for fitting the misvm object.

  • cv_misvm() for fitting the misvm object with cross-validation.


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 20,
                             positive_prob = 0.15,
                             sd_of_mean = rep(0.1, 3))
df1 <- build_instance_feature(mil_data, seq(0.05, 0.95, length.out = 10))
mdl1 <- misvm(x = df1[, 4:63], y = df1$bag_label,
              bags = df1$bag_name, method = "heuristic")

predict(mdl1, new_data = df1, type = "raw", layer = "bag")

# summarize predictions at the bag layer
df1 %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, type = "class")) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, type = "raw")) %>%
  distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)

Predict method for misvm_orova object


Predict method for misvm_orova object. Predictions use the K fitted MI-SVM models. For class predictions, we return the class whose MI-SVM model has the highest raw predicted score. For raw predictions, a full matrix of predictions is returned, with one column for each model.


## S3 method for class 'misvm_orova'
  type = c("class", "raw"),
  layer = c("bag", "instance"),
  new_bags = "bag_name",



An object of class misvm_orova


A data frame to predict from. This needs to have all of the features that the data was originally fitted with.


If 'class', return predicted values based on the highest output of an individual model. If 'raw', return the raw predicted scores for each model.


If 'bag', return predictions at the bag level. If 'instance', return predictions at the instance level.


A character or character vector. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the bag names in new_data (default 'bag_name'). Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has bag name for each row.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


When the object was fitted using the formula method, then the parameters new_bags and new_instances are not necessary, as long as the names match the original function call.


A tibble with nrow(new_data) rows. If type = 'class', the tibble will have a column .pred_class. If type = 'raw', the tibble will have K columns ⁠.pred_{class_name}⁠ corresponding to the raw predictions of the K models.


Sean Kent

See Also

misvm_orova() for fitting the misvm_orova object.


x <- ordmvnorm[, 3:7]
y <- ordmvnorm$bag_label
bags <- ordmvnorm$bag_name

mdl1 <- misvm_orova(x, y, bags)

# summarize predictions at the bag layer
df1 <- bind_cols(y = y, bags = bags,
df1 %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, new_bags = bags, type = "class")) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, new_bags = bags, type = "raw")) %>%
  select(-starts_with("V")) %>%

Predict method for omisvm object


Predict method for omisvm object


## S3 method for class 'omisvm'
  type = c("class", "raw"),
  layer = c("bag", "instance"),
  new_bags = "bag_name",



An object of class omisvm


A data frame to predict from. This needs to have all of the features that the data was originally fitted with.


If 'class', return predicted values with threshold of 0 as -1 or +1. If 'raw', return the raw predicted scores.


If 'bag', return predictions at the bag level. If 'instance', return predictions at the instance level.


A character or character vector. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the bag names in new_data (default 'bag_name'). Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has bag name for each row.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


When the object was fitted using the formula method, then the parameters new_bags and new_instances are not necessary, as long as the names match the original function call.


A tibble with nrow(new_data) rows. If type = 'class', the tibble will have a column .pred_class. If type = 'raw', the tibble will have a column .pred.


Sean Kent

See Also

omisvm() for fitting the omisvm object.


if (require(gurobi)) {
  x <- ordmvnorm[, 3:7]
  y <- ordmvnorm$bag_label
  bags <- ordmvnorm$bag_name

  mdl1 <- omisvm(x, y, bags, weights = NULL)

  # summarize predictions at the bag layer
  df1 <- bind_cols(y = y, bags = bags,
  df1 %>%
    bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, new_bags = bags, type = "class")) %>%
    bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, new_bags = bags, type = "raw")) %>%
    distinct(y, bags, .pred_class, .pred)

Predict method for smm object


Predict method for smm object


## S3 method for class 'smm'
  type = c("class", "raw"),
  layer = "instance",
  new_instances = "instance_name",
  new_bags = "bag_name",
  kernel = NULL,



an object of class smm


A data frame to predict from. This needs to have all of the features that the data was originally fitted with.


If 'class', return predicted values with threshold of 0 as -1 or +1. If 'raw', return the raw predicted scores.


If 'instance', return predictions at the instance level. Option 'bag' returns predictions at the bag level, but only if the model was fit with smm.mild_df(),


A character or character vector. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the instance names in new_data (default 'instance_name'). Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has instance name for each row.


A character or character vector. Only relevant when fit with smm.mild_df(), which contains bag level information. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the bag names in new_data, default = "bag_name". Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has bag name for each instance.


An optional pre-computed kernel matrix at the instance level or NULL (default NULL). The rows should correspond to instances in the new data to predict, and columns should correspond to instances in the original training data, such as a call to kme().


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


When the object was fitted using the formula method, then the parameters new_bags and new_instances are not necessary, as long as the names match the original function call.


tibble with nrow(new_data) rows. If type = 'class', the tibble will have a column named .pred_class. If type = 'raw', the tibble will have a column name .pred.


Sean Kent

See Also

smm() for fitting the smm object.


n_instances <- 10
n_samples <- 20
y <- rep(c(1, -1), each = n_samples * n_instances / 2)
instances <- as.character(rep(1:n_instances, each = n_samples))
x <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(length(y), mean = 1*(y==1)),
                x2 = rnorm(length(y), mean = 2*(y==1)),
                x3 = rnorm(length(y), mean = 3*(y==1)))

mdl <- smm(x, y, instances, control = list(sigma = 1/3))

# instance level predictions (training data)
data.frame(instance_name = instances, y = y, x) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl, type = "raw", new_data = x, new_instances = instances)) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl, type = "class", new_data = x, new_instances = instances)) %>%
  distinct(instance_name, y, .pred, .pred_class)

# test data
new_inst <- rep(c("11", "12"), each = 30)
new_y <- rep(c(1, -1), each = 30)
new_x <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(length(new_inst), mean = 1*(new_inst=="11")),
                    x2 = rnorm(length(new_inst), mean = 2*(new_inst=="11")),
                    x3 = rnorm(length(new_inst), mean = 3*(new_inst=="11")))

# instance level predictions (test data)
data.frame(instance_name = new_inst, y = new_y, new_x) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl, type = "raw", new_data = new_x, new_instances = new_inst)) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl, type = "class", new_data = new_x, new_instances = new_inst)) %>%
  distinct(instance_name, y, .pred, .pred_class)

Predict method for svor_exc object


Predict method for svor_exc object


## S3 method for class 'svor_exc'
  type = c("class", "raw"),
  layer = c("instance", "bag"),
  new_bags = "bag_name",



An object of class svor_exc.


A data frame to predict from. This needs to have all of the features that the data was originally fitted with.


If 'class', return predicted values with threshold of 0 as -1 or +1. If 'raw', return the raw predicted scores.


If 'bag', return predictions at the bag level. If 'instance', return predictions at the instance level.


A character or character vector. Can specify a singular character that provides the column name for the bag names in new_data (default 'bag_name'). Can also specify a vector of length nrow(new_data) that has bag name for each row.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


When the object was fitted using the formula method, then the parameter new_bags is not necessary, as long as the names match the original function call.


A tibble with nrow(new_data) rows. If type = 'class', the tibble will have a column .pred_class. If type = 'raw', the tibble will have a column .pred.


Sean Kent

See Also

svor_exc() for fitting the svor_exc object.


x <- ordmvnorm[, 3:7]
y <- attr(ordmvnorm, "instance_label")

mdl1 <- svor_exc(x, y)
predict(mdl1, x)
predict(mdl1, x, type = "raw")

Fit SMM model to the data


Function to carry out support measure machines algorithm which is appropriate for multiple instance learning. The algorithm calculates the kernel matrix of different empirical measures using kernel mean embedding. The data set should be passed in with rows corresponding to samples from a set of instances. SMM will compute a kernel on the instances and pass that to kernlab::ksvm() to train the appropriate SVM model.


## Default S3 method:
  cost = 1,
  weights = TRUE,
  control = list(kernel = "radial", sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1/ncol(x), scale =

## S3 method for class 'formula'
smm(formula, data, instances = "instance_name", ...)

## S3 method for class 'mild_df'
smm(x, ...)



A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each row represents a sample. If a mild_df object is passed, ⁠y, instances⁠ are automatically extracted, bags is ignored, and all other columns will be used as predictors.


A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


A vector specifying which samples belong to each instance. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


The cost parameter in SVM, fed to the C argument in kernlab::ksvm().


named vector, or TRUE, to control the weight of the cost parameter for each possible y value. Weights multiply against the cost vector. If TRUE, weights are calculated based on inverse counts of instances with given label, where we only count one positive instance per bag. Otherwise, names must match the levels of y.


A list of additional parameters passed to the method that control computation with the following components:

  • kernel either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.

  • sigma argument needed for radial basis kernel.

  • scale argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale the input before fitting.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A formula with specification y ~ x. This argument is an alternative to the x, y arguments, but requires the data and instances argument. See examples.


If formula is provided, a data.frame or similar from which formula elements will be extracted.


An object of class smm The object contains at least the following components:

  • ksvm_fit: A fit of class ksvm from the kernlab package.

  • call_type: A character indicating which method smm() was called with.

  • x: The training data needed for computing the kernel matrix in prediction.

  • features: The names of features used in training.

  • levels: The levels of y that are recorded for future prediction.

  • cost: The cost parameter from function inputs.

  • sigma: The radial basis function kernel parameter.

  • weights: The calculated weights on the cost parameter, if applicable.

  • x_scale: If scale = TRUE, the scaling parameters for new predictions.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Method for data.frame-like objects

  • formula: Method for passing formula

  • mild_df: Method for mild_df objects. Use the bag_label as y at the instance level, then perform smm() ignoring the MIL structure.


Sean Kent, Yifei Liu


Muandet, K., Fukumizu, K., Dinuzzo, F., & Schölkopf, B. (2012). Learning from distributions via support measure machines. Advances in neural information processing systems, 25.

See Also

predict.smm() for prediction on new data.


n_instances <- 10
n_samples <- 20
y <- rep(c(1, -1), each = n_samples * n_instances / 2)
instances <- as.character(rep(1:n_instances, each = n_samples))
x <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(length(y), mean = 1*(y==1)),
                x2 = rnorm(length(y), mean = 2*(y==1)),
                x3 = rnorm(length(y), mean = 3*(y==1)))

df <- data.frame(instance_name = instances, y = y, x)

mdl <- smm(x, y, instances)
mdl2 <- smm(y ~ ., data = df)

# instance level predictions
df %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(predict(mdl, type = "raw", new_data = x, new_instances = instances)) %>%
  dplyr::bind_cols(predict(mdl, type = "class", new_data = x, new_instances = instances)) %>%
  dplyr::distinct(instance_name, y, .pred, .pred_class)

Summarize data across functions


Summarize a numeric data frame based on specified grouping columns and a list of functions. This is useful in summarizing a mild_df object from the sample level to the instance level.


## Default S3 method:
summarize_samples(data, group_cols, .fns = list(mean = mean), cor = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mild_df'
summarize_samples(data, ...)



A data.frame, 'mild_df' object, or similar of data to summarize.


A character vector of column(s) that describe groups to summarize across.


A list of functions (default list(mean = mean)).


A logical (default FALSE) for whether to include correlations between all features in the summarization.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A tibble with summarized data. There will be one row for each set of distinct groups specified by group_cols. There will be one column for each of the group_cols, plus length(.fns) columns for each of the features in data, plus correlation columns if specified.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Method for data.frame-like objects.

  • mild_df: Method for mild_df objects.


Sean Kent


fns <- list(mean = mean, sd = sd)
summarize_samples(mtcars, group_cols = c("cyl", "gear"), .fns = fns)
summarize_samples(mtcars, group_cols = c("cyl", "gear"), .fns = fns, cor = TRUE)

Fit SVOR-EXC model to ordinal outcome data


This function fits the Support Vector Ordinal Regression with Explicit Constraints based on the research of Chu and Keerthi (2007).


## Default S3 method:
  cost = 1,
  method = c("smo"),
  weights = NULL,
  control = list(kernel = "linear", sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1/ncol(x),
    max_step = 500, scale = TRUE, verbose = FALSE),

## S3 method for class 'formula'
svor_exc(formula, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mi_df'
svor_exc(x, ...)



A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each row represents an instance. If a mi_df object is passed, y is automatically extracted, bags is ignored, and all other columns will be used as predictors.


A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


The cost parameter in SVM.


The algorithm to use in fitting (default 'smo'). When method = 'smo', the modified SMO algorithm from Chu and Keerthi (2007) is used.


NULL, since weights are not implemented for this function.


list of additional parameters passed to the method that control computation with the following components:

  • kernel either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.

  • sigma argument needed for radial basis kernel.

  • max_step argument used when method = 'heuristic'. Maximum steps of iteration for the heuristic algorithm.

  • scale argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale the input before fitting.

  • verbose argument used when method = 'mip'. Whether to message output to the console.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A formula with specification y ~ x. This argument is an alternative to the x, y arguments, but requires the data argument. See examples.


If formula is provided, a data.frame or similar from which formula elements will be extracted.


An object of class svor_exc The object contains at least the following components:

  • smo_fit: A fit object from running the modified ordinal smo algorithm.

  • call_type: A character indicating which method svor_exc() was called with.

  • features: The names of features used in training.

  • levels: The levels of y that are recorded for future prediction.

  • cost: The cost parameter from function inputs.

  • n_step: The total steps used in the heuristic algorithm.

  • x_scale: If scale = TRUE, the scaling parameters for new predictions.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Method for data.frame-like objects

  • formula: Method for passing formula

  • mi_df: Method for mi_df objects, automatically handling bag names, labels, and all covariates. Use the bag_label as y at the instance level, then perform svor_exc() ignoring the MIL structure and bags.


Sean Kent


Chu, W., & Keerthi, S. S. (2007). Support vector ordinal regression. Neural computation, 19(3), 792-815. doi:10.1162/neco.2007.19.3.792

See Also

predict.svor_exc() for prediction on new data.


x <- ordmvnorm[, 3:7]
y <- attr(ordmvnorm, "instance_label")

mdl1 <- svor_exc(x, y)
predict(mdl1, x)